Setup of canon 2900b printer on ubuntu. this feature is not available right now. please try again later.. With linux_capt_printerdriver_v260_uk_en.tar.gz i tried to install canon lbp 2900b but unable to install as it shows printer but wan't be able to print or detect any thing on printer. neha – user263866 mar 31 '14 at 12:16. I tried installing the canoncaptdrv190 as outlined in the community wiki and answers #1 by alvar. #2 by sarveshm @ how to install canon lbp2900 printer in ubuntu 12.10 but neither approach worked for me. the printer is switched on and has pages in tray and connected through usb..
Canon i-sensys lbp2900b printer driver for linux. canon i-sensys lbp2900b printer driver software details. capt printer driver for linux. operating system: linux. Installation of canon laserjet lbp 2900b printer drivers in linux mint-16-cinnamon-64 bit. browse the pinpointed topic there and advise! i know that canon lbp 2900b printer is not in the list there, but nevertheless i request you to suggest(if there is one) a roundabout solution to installing any "cups" compatible with my lovely cinnamon. I used the capt_printer_driver_for_linux_v200_uk_en.tar.gz from the australian the .tar archive and unpack it. in the folder /driver/debian you will find the driver packages for ubuntu (which derives from debian)..